Fundamental Language for Modest Beeswax Candles and Different Candles

To help ensure you comprehend the beeswax jargon required for an excellent candle experience, make sure you know these essential terms. Bloom - A bloom forms over time and appears as a whitish film (also known as frosting) on the pure beeswax candles. If you prefer to have your candles shiny and polished, you can quickly remove the bloom by wiping the candle off with a soft cloth. Candle Snuffer - Candle snuffers are the preferred method for extinguishing a beeswax candlestick by candle enthusiasts. If you blow out the flame, it will smoke since your breath introduces smoke-producing air into the burn. Snuffers prevent this by encircling flame and forcing the flame to put itself out. In most cases, a snuffer will be bell-shaped, but there are also pinch-style snuffers on the market. Carbon Cap - A carbon cap (also known as a mushroom cap) will occasionally form on a beeswax candle. At times, it can even develop on the wick. To avoid this issue, ensure th...